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Resume Creator
dev-AshishRanjan's github profile

This project uses Basic HTML, CSS, JavaScript to create a basic Resume Creator, where you can create your resume and most important download the created Resume.

Line Following Robot
Blaize15's github profile

A robot which follows a dark colored line with the help of sensors.

Swapnoneel's Portfolio
Swpn0neel's github profile

A professional portfolio of Swapnoneel Saha, with his Achievements, Educational Journey and Contact Support to reach out to him.

Jatan88's github profile

A Mobile Application for both Android and iOS for Job Opportunities.

ZORIN Search Page
dev-AshishRanjan's github profile

This is a wbesite is a modified version of ZORIN Browser Homepage. This website uses NeuMorphism with Light and Dark theme in System Mode. It also gives Weather Update

Tindog E-Commerece website
Kumudhaart's github profile

Tindog website is a E-Commerce Website for dog lovers.Tinndog website is user freindly and responsive

Blood Donation Project
Saurav-Pant's github profile

This project is based on the concept of blood donation. It is a simple project that helps the user to donate blood and also helps the user to find the blood donor.

Personal Portfolio Website
Atharva-3000's github profile

You can use this template to create your own portfolio easily and showcase your projects.

slayerrr12's github profile

A simple python chatbot that interacts using voice

OMKAR-KALEPU's github profile

This is a simple project using HTML, CSS and JavaScript that displays the keycodes when a key is pressed.

Login PyQt5 Awesome GUI
JoseVale99's github profile

It's a minimalist login in the Python language using the PyQt5 library.

Entertainment Hub
Krutikajichkar's github profile

This is an Entertainment platform made by fetching IMDB API where you can search trending movies,series,shows,etc provided by the genres

Navbar using Pure React
MisterMickey's github profile

Basic Navbar using React and no JSX

Parmesh119's github profile

This is the encrypted chat_application that is only accessible to those only who have writes to access it. No other can add or edit it.

coder12git's github profile

Skin cancer detection from your skin images.